Please join Anne McNeill, Director of Impressions Gallery for an open, relaxed and informal round table chat on how galleries and artists can rethink sustainable exhibition production, and how photographers and artists can work in more eco-friendly and sustainable ways. This chat is for everyone who shares an interest in photography, art, eco issues, sustainability and helping the environment.
The discussion will broach important questions as to how we can make photographs with neutral or positive environmental impact? What are the photographic approaches that are more sustainable and better for the environment? The gallery is passionate about helping people to respond to the current environmental crisis in a more positive way through creative expressions. However, we know we still have more questions on how to get better at what we do, and we are always on the lookout for new solutions and suggestions. We have the best intentions and we wish to share our learnings with peers and colleagues in the photography world, and to learn from what others are doing.
Impressions Gallery is a charity that helps people understand the world through photography and acts as an agent for change. In 2015 Impressions Gallery pledged its commitment to the UN’s sustainable goal of a call to action “to protect the planet”. Caring for the environment has increasingly been at the heart of what Impressions does.
Anne McNeill is the director of Impressions Gallery, Bradford. She is the co-curator, with Lisa Holmes Photo Hub North, of the first edition of Creative Earth Eco Fest: Making change through photography and art, takingplace outside in the grounds of Cliffe Castle, Keighley on Saturday 3 August.
Book your ticket here.